Greg Connors Speaks at Annual New York State Injured Workers' Bar Association Meeting in New York City

by | Feb 5, 2013

Home / General News / Greg Connors Speaks at Annual New York State Injured Workers' Bar Association Meeting in New York City


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Attorney Greg Connors, partner at Connors and Ferris, presented at the Annual 2013 Injured Workers’ Bar Association Meeting (IWBA) held January 25-26th  in New York City.  Greg spoke on several topics which are currently of great interest to claimants and attorneys alike.His presentation to the IWBA was a part of a continuing legal education (CLE) which all attorneys in New York must comply with.  Greg’s presentation focused on the highly litigated and controversial “loss of wage earning capacity” topic which occurs at the time a claimant is found to be permanently, partially disabled by the Board   The topics discussed resulted in lively debate among seminar participants and Greg did a great job in stimulating topical conversation in each area among bar membership.

For more information on the IWBA, visit them at:


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