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Technology That Streamlines Our Practice and Processes

Over the past fifteen years, the New York State Workers’ Comp Board has undergone a significant effort to revamp its technological resources through several new initiatives, including the E-case paperless system.

Before 1997, the Board archived paper files for every claim filed in New York State. These files were stored all over the state and then shipped to hearing sites when needed. The E-case system has revolutionized the way claims are handled, making information the board maintains in each claim file easily accessible to injured workers and their attorneys.

The Connors & Ferris Advantage

With the E-case system now fully in place, Connors & Ferris has undertaken its own initiative to advance the technology in our office to better serve our clients. Starting in 2011, we began to develop software that allows us to catalogue, store and retrieve claim information efficiently through our own computer networking.

  • All case files scanned into our secure electronic repository and database
  • Access restricted to our attorneys and staff system
  • When fully operational, this will be our version of the E-case paperless system
  • Our system will link and integrate smoothly with E-case to streamline information access

New Benefits for Our Clients

Paper files present significant challenges to a law office. When a client calls, his or her file could be on a paralegal’s desk waiting for a call to be made, it could be on a secretary’s desk waiting for a letter to be typed, or in an attorney’s briefcase for review. The client has an expectation that when they call, whomever they are talking to will be able to provide answers to their questions. If that secretary, paralegal or attorney does not have the file, then information cannot be accessed and that client’s questions cannot be fully answered. Our new paperless system will eliminate this delay by making the availability of a paper file unnecessary. All of the information will be stored in our interactive network, thus making our system “paperless” in the same sense that the Board’s E-case system is. So, multiple authorized individuals on our team can have simultaneous access to needed documents. Documents are never misplaced or misfiled. And the security of the information is safeguarded.

This effort involves software development, hardware purchases, training, scanning of paper files to make them digital and other key aspects that are part of creating a faster, seamless, “paperless” system. We are undertaking this initiative to better serve you in multiple ways.

Contact Us First! We’re Here To Help

716.684.COMP (2667)

New York City
212.624.COMP (2667)

585.262.COMP (2667)

315.969.COMP (2667)

Workers’ Comp

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Social Security Disability

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Personal Injury

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